OpenJGraph - Java Graph and Graph Drawing Project

© 2000 Jesus M. Salvo Jr.
$Date: 2002/10/05 09:54:51 $

This site is hosted by:


At least JDK 1.3.1.


Latest is 0.9.2 and can be obtained from: Previous releases are also available from the above.

Alternatively, you may want to obtain the sources via anonymous CVS:

  1. Export CVSROOT:


  2. Then login:

    cvs -d$CVSROOT login

    When prompted for a password, simply press the Enter key.

  3. Finally, do an export:

    cvs -d$CVSROOT export -r openjgraph-0_9_2 openjgraph

    If instead you used:

    cvs -d$CVSROOT co openjgraph

    ... the sources that you will be getting using checkout may include interim changes between releases, which may make or break your copy of OpenJGraph. So use export.

  4. Logout:

    cvs -d$CVSROOT logout


The archive already contains an openjgraph directory. Therefore, extract the archive from the parent directory where you want the openjgraph directory created. Windows users can use WinZip to extract the archive.

The archive itself already contains precompiled binaries and you can run the sample applications by executing:

Windows users, run the corresponding BAT files.

If, however, you want to compile the sources yourself, please read the README file extracted from the archive.

Release Notes and Change Logs

Release notes and change logs are provided in the distribution.

$Id: latest.html,v 1.3 2002/10/05 09:54:51 john Exp john $
Author: Jesus M. Salvo Jr.